15th SCN Int. Conference – Kuala Lumpur 2017

18th March 2017 - 20th March 2017

It was great to have seen you all in Kuala Lumpur for a very dynamic meeting with an increasing level of member participation. For those unable to attend, please let us share with you some of the details.

The networking started in Kuala Lumpur with a city tour as 45 members climbed the stairs of the Batu Caves and wandered the city in the heat, while another dozen fought it out on the golf course. Some great times together.

More long term friendships were reacquainted and new friends and members met on Tuesday evening during the Welcome Cocktail at our fabulous hotel, Shangri La Kuala Lumpur, as we all realised once more what a diverse yet exceedingly close family we are.

On Wednesday the conference formally began with Dave Lucia informing on the healthy state of the network and David Cook talking of “New Directions” with emphasis on increased VISIBILITY, meaningful PARTNERSHIPS and new CLIENTS.

Presentations on HALAL LOGISTICS and their possibilities for the network were given next with an explanation of new client possibilities for members.

Continuing with the new, short presentations were given from some of our NEW MEMBERS: Corrigan Air & Sea, Shenzhen Anda Shun, MBS Asia and Evergrow Xiamen.


  • LCL Consolidation – discussing how individual members’ services can be networked and the value of a VID with Vanguard
  • Project Cargo – how we can identify and promote members through SCN
  • Halal Logistics, presenting the client platform and certification processes
  • Exhibition cargo discussing methods to collaborate between members

After lunch followed a full afternoon of one-on-one meetings, time to get up to date and develop between members.

The evening was taken up with our GALA DINNER, complete with a wide range of Malaysian food as well as all the colour and music of Malaysian dance. We also gave awards to distinguished members.

Thursday started with a Securityplus!  annual members meeting – as SCN members are shareholders of our program. Members were pleased to see the excellent health of the program. Following that, more member participation with our Panel Debate, of how to develop more trade within the network. Thank you all for your participation and ideas.

To inform on the different breakout sessions from the previous day, our member spokespersons summarised the different groups discussion and conclusions. Again, more ideas to improve your network.

To conclude the general session, we discussed destinations for our next conference with much enthusiasm to get together again next year.

Thursday afternoon was once again for one-on-one meetings between members. The evening was once again an optional but very well attended evening at the Hard Rock Café KL. Congratulations to the quiz night winners!

Friday morning rounded off the conference with more one-on-one meetings before the members left Kuala Lumpur. This included a group who went for a post conference wind down in Penang to enjoy some more time with SCN colleagues and friends.

We want to thanks all those who came for making it a successful meeting with a high level of participation as SCN moves towards new directions to develop on the trust that characterises YOUR network: Security Cargo Network. Many thanks.